Go from OW to WOW!!
Hello, you are cordially invited to an hour’s vacation on my massage table.
Why you may ask? Aching body? Stressed? Lots of tension?
Athlete or not, a sports massage is the solution!
Hi, my name is Kim Healey. I am the new addition to the YOU Massage Team and will be offering my services as a Massage Therapist for Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage and Holistic Massage.
I am very enthusiastic and passionate about massage and treating clients, I find my work very rewarding. I have a huge desire to learn, I can never know enough and to be able to add to my repertoire of skills in order to give you the best treatment, is the most satisfying thing for myself as a Therapist.
I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and passing on my knowledge to them which will benefit their well- being.
On my journey with YOU Massage, I intend to extend my skills portfolio and client base. My goal is to have clients who know they will receive quality treatments and to help educate the community on the benefits of regular massage treatments. “Be the change, you wish to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi.
We live in a world where the body is neglected, we often push ourselves to our limits in order to build our wealth and this ends up costing us our most valuable asset in life, our health. I’m here to help. “ You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make” ~ Gordon B. Hinekley
A little history about myself
I was born, grew up and studied in South Africa. I completed a two year Diploma at an internationally recognised college, qualifying in Fitness and specialising in Sports Conditioning Training and Sports Massage. All of which I passed with distinction, Physiology and Anatomy being my favourite subjects. I also qualified as a Personal Trainer and worked in a gym and mobile practice during the second year of my studies. Since then I have obtained qualifications in Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy and Indian Head Massage.
My journey with massage began in 2011 after completing my course. I started my own mobile practice in South Africa. I then approached the Tenpin Bowling Association of South Africa and asked if I could provide my services at the World Cup which was held in November in Johannesburg that year. I provided massages to some of the World’s top bowlers throughout the tournament to relieve their tired strained muscles as well as providing relaxation massages which greatly aided the performance of the bowlers.
In March of 2012 I attended my first multi-stage mountain bike event – the Cape Epic, where I massaged two teams for the duration of the event. That same year I was part of the massage team for the Tour de Tuli which is a multi-stage mountain bike event that raises money for the Children in the Wilderness Charity. I also worked at the Berg ‘n Bush multi-stage mountain bike event in October that year.
In 2013 I was part of the massage team for both the Cape Epic and Tour de Tuli again and added the Old Mutual JoBerg2c to my list of events. Joberg2c is a nine day multi-stage mountain bike event which is gruelling for both Cyclists and Massage Therapists.
In July 2013 I left home and spent a year living and working in Australia where I worked at various Wellness Clinics and Physiotherapy Practices. Being surrounded by qualified Physiotherapists and Chiropractors I was able to add brilliant techniques to my treatments which for me, was an invaluable experience.
In the August of 2014 I worked as part of the massage team for my third Tour de Tuli and in October that year I worked on my first endurance race for runners – the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon, an exhausting 7 day event, run in extreme desert temperatures.
In between these major events I ran my own Mobile Massage Service, worked at various minor events and also did Corporate Massage.
In March of 2015 I worked on my third Cape Epic just before relocating to the UK to live.
Your to do list:
Have a great massage from Kim!
Feel Wonderful!
Schedule your next massage with Kim
Call to schedule your massage 02380639747
Yours in Wellness
Kim Healey