Guest Blog written by Cherish Skincare for YOU Massage Therapy Southampton
When a skin problem rears its ugly head, our initial response is usually to try and treat the symptom – blast those nasty spots with a strong spot treatment or to put lotions and balms over dry, red or irritated skin. Whilst some of these treatments can provide some short-term relief, they rarely deal with the root cause of the issue.
It is important to remember that your skin is the largest organ of your body with an extremely important function (primarily to protect the rest of your body from microbes and the external environment) and is connected via your bloodstream to the rest of your body. Recent research has shown that the skin is particularly connected with the digestive system, which is why if you suffer from digestive problems there is a high chance you may also experience issues with your skin as well.
It’s therefore important to take a holistic approach to skincare that considers our diet and physical health, as well as our emotional and spiritual well-being as all these aspects of our lives, are intrinsically interconnected; if we feel good about ourselves, we will take better care of ourselves – this results in better skin and better physical health which in turn helps us feel better about ourselves…
That is why at Cherish we don’t just create great, natural skincare treatments (although we do that too), we consider the whole person, both physically and emotionally. If your diet is good, your body is healthy and you make time to kick back and relax, there’s a very good chance your skin will be happy too.
Our first product range is designed to help promote good, natural sleep as well as beautiful skin. It not only includes our handcrafted Cleansing Gloop to soothe, soften and exfoliate tired skin and our Night Facial oil which is jammed packed with nutritious oils to feed your skin during the night, but also a soothing Pillow Spray, a Sleep-Tight herbal tea to help you unwind and relax before bed and some other beautifully crafted, natural sleep aids to be released this year.
You can find more advice and support for promoting natural sleep from our blog which can be found at
Here at Cherish, we want all women to feel great about themselves so we are working with several local projects that work with vulnerable women and girls to help promote great body image, self-esteem, and value. As well as running workshops with these groups we are also donating 10% of all the proceeds from any product from our Sleep Well range to the Amber project – a Southampton based chaplaincy service that provides support to working women and girls.
So, as you give yourself some much needed ‘you’ time, making space to relax and unwind with Cherish, you can also know that the money you have spent is going towards supporting vulnerable women and helping them to know that they are beautiful and valued too.
Guest Blog written by Cherish Skin Care for YOU Massage Therapy Southampton, edited and posted by YMT