Reflexology Southampton

Looking for some professional and relaxing Reflexology in Southampton? Let us treat your feet

Balancing, Healing, Magical, Beautiful Reflexology Therapy in Southampton

reflexology southamptonReflexology can be dated as far back as the Egyptians, it cannot be precisely explained why by stimulating carefully mapped out points across the foot region can detect abnormalities in the body, alleviate and even heal certain conditions.

The similarities in the Structure of the Human Body to the Foot are clear, and symptoms of Tension can be Detected and Eased. Reflexology Massage can stop illnesses from manifesting, drawing the body’s attention to Problematic areas, stimulating your natural waste-disposal system and Encouraging Healing. One of the theories behind how Reflexology works is that each of the Nerve endings end on the Foot, people often tell me that they can feel Sensations in areas of their Body as we work the area on the Foot and feel an Improvement in Muscular Tension. If you’re prone to Colds, Irritable Bowl Syndrome, PMS or Water Infections, we can often feel the weakness of the area and when stimulated, Reflexology has been known to ease the symptoms. We also offer a special approach for Anxiety and Insomnia. Read more on how Reflexology helps Anxiety >   Thai Foot Massage is also Available for £49.50 for 45 min. Read More About Thai Foot Massage here > 


There are many benefits realised by Reflexology, as it helps with the mind-body connection and encourages healing throughout, benefits range for each person.

Some of the more common feedbacks  are listed below:

  • – Relaxation
  • – Pain reduction
  • – Reduction of symptoms for IBS
  • – Management of PMS and menstrual pain
  • – Rejuvenation of tired feet
  • – Improvement in blood flow
  • – Impact on physiological measures (e. g. blood pressure and cholesterol)
  • – Beneficial for post-operative recovery and pain reduction
  • – Enhancement of medical care
  • – Adjunct to mental health care
  • – Complement to cancer care (pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety)
  • – Easier birthing / delivery / post-partum recovery


When Reflexology is not advised

It is not advised to have a Reflexology session before a big day, or during a ‘flare up’ as sometimes it can trigger a ‘healing crisis’, which is your body’s reaction to healing, such as mucus, sickness or headache

We will also not treat over Athlete’s Foot, Verruca or any other infectious inflamed skin condition, please see your doctor before hand if you are unsure.


If this is your first visit to the YOU Massage studio, you will be guided through a new client consultation, so we have your health and well-being history for therapist reference. You will be asked about areas of pain and discomfort and the history of such, this will assure the therapist is working to your needs.

The YOU Massage Therapy Massage studio is located in Bedford Place, Southampton, Hampshire. A professional environment, newly redecorated in calming, natural colours, you’ll feel at ease as soon as you arrive, with the aromas of essential oils and music you will like waiting to welcome you, a truly unique experience for your Reflexology Treatment.

Put your feet up and enjoy a mini ritual of cleansing, assessing and relaxing whilst our expert Holistic Therapists help to release the blockage of an energy, life force, or Chi, that can prevent healing through massage techniques, applied to right and then left foot, using a little cream, in a systematic fashion. It can feel deeply relaxing and you will likely feel more connected to what is going on internally.

One possible scientific rationalization on how Reflexology works is that the pressure applied to the feet can send signals that help restore equilibrium in the nervous system or aid in the release of chemicals such as endorphins that decrease stress and pain and help people feel happy or content.

We offer a range of advanced Reflexology therapies, such as:

Facial Reflexlogy

Pregnancy Reflexology

Reiki + Reflexology

Indian Head + Reflexology

Read More About Thai Foot Massage here >


Prices are;

45 min for £50 with a Regular therapist – £55 with a Senior therapist (+ 10 years experience)

75 min for £80 or £88 with a Senior therapist – or you can try out our 75 min Indian head & Reflexology or Scalp & foot massage for the same prices!

Top to Toe – Scalp, body & feet massage – 75 min for £85

Thai Foot Massage is also Available for 45 min £50.00

Read More About Thai Foot Massage here >


Call on 02380 639 747 or Book Online

YOU Massage Southampton Reflexology

If you are looking to get a Reflexology Treatment in Southampton then look no further as YOU Massage Therapy is the leading Southampton Holistic Therapy Practice! We have a team of diverse qualified and experienced professional Reflexologists, including pregnancy specialists. We have big comfy pillows and lovely music and a beautiful, calm yet colourful environment, enhanced treatments with Aromatherapy, heated blankets and just knowing you are in the hands of qualified and passionate Reflexologists ready to help you feel your best.

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