Essential Oils : Health Information


There are often occasions and health reasons when it would not be appropriate to use certain types of oils, which is why consultation is so important when coming in for an Aromatherapy Massage. Particular caution should be exercised and a longer consultation is often required when a person has had a recent cardiac episode, a skin condition or when a woman is pregnant. See below for other conditions to be noted prior to Aromatherapy Massage:


It is best to avoid certain oils when a person has cancer as there is a possibility that they can affect medication. Aromatherapy, when applied with caution, can often relieve some symptoms brought on by the illness and the treatment required, such as certain Analgesic, Calming and Energising oils (see Aromatherapy Information), yet the ones bellow should not be used:

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Concentration Impendent

Some Essential Oils can be powerfully sedative, and although this can be beneficial for somebody who is suffering with anxiety, stress or lack of sleep, they are certainly best avoided if somebody needs the ability to think clearly and focus, drivea car or operate machinery. Some Calming or Sedative oils can be combined with some powerful Energising or Mood lifting oils (see Aromatherapy Information), in order to relax the muscles yet keep the mind clear, but some should be avoided all together. These are:

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