Massage Aftercare

Having a treatment can be exactly what you need. However, the self-care you give to yourself during the 24 hours afterwards is just as important. We have compiled a list of the best and simplest GENERAL aftercare tips and advice below.  Your therapist will give you more specific advice for you. 

  • Stay Hydrated – in short massage can cause the muscles to detox, this will cause you to lose more water than usual. To counteract this, you must drink more water than you normally would. 
  • Take it easy – it’s not uncommon to have “massage brain” following a treatment, particularly deep tissue around the neck and shoulders. This brain fog feels like being very tired and typically only lasts a few hours, but its best to listen to your body and rest if you experience this.
  • Take a rest day – Take a rest day from the gym on the day of you massage. Going before a massage can mean the muscles are more tender during a massage. Whilst going after can easily undo the progress made during your treatment. Some people feel fine on the day of the massage but feel “weaker” the day after, if you fall into this category its best to have an extra rest day or do a non-weight bearing exercises like swimming or something that focuses on gentle mobility like restorative yoga. 
  • It’s not uncommon to feel discomfort after a treatment, as a rule of thumb, if it’s sore to touch, it’s likely swollen so rest and ice the area (for no more than ten min over a cloth), but, if it’s satisfying to touch, stretch and heat the area, such as in a hot shower of with a heat pack. if in doubt, a hot bath, to balance the circulation, and a good nights sleep with supportive pillows should do the trick.

Reiki / Reflexology aftercare: 

  • Stay hydrated – reflexology can also cause your body to start detoxing, so staying hydrated is essential. 
  •  Be kind to yourself – occasionally some people can feed emotional following reiki or reflexology so its imports to acknowledge how you feel and allow it to pass which it will within a few hours. 


  • The same as the massage aftercare above plus listen to the specific advice your Osteopath gave to YOU
  • Try to stay gently mobile, within your pain free range, so that the area doesn’t begin to stiffen up. 


  • Acupuncture advice will be specific to the areas worked and will be given to you by your therapist. 

Gua Sha

  • Gua sha has its own set of aftercare rules, follow the link above to the aftercare guide for Gua Sha

Call Us

We are here to help, we want what’s best for you, if you would like specific advice, tailored around your needs, and aren’t sure what is best, call us right away on 02380 639747 and we will be able to help you.