YOU Massage COVID-19 Risk Assessment REVIEWED 07/04/2021

We are meeting every guideline as advised by the Institute of Osteopathy and our other partner affiliates
Safe Practice Guidelines Supported by Peninsula Group Ltd
Document Template Provided by the Institute of Osteopathy

Adapting practice:  YOU Massage Therapy Ltd: Infection Risk Assessment and Mitigation Record





This document provides a written record of the heightened infection control measures that this clinic has put into place to ensure the safety of all staff and patients during COVID-19.

The YMT COVID-19 SPOC in case of an outbreak is Caz Hibbs 07/04/2021


This risk assessment and mitigation record is to be undertaken in conjunction with review of the iO’s guidance ‘Infection control and PPE’ and ‘Adapting practice guide’ available to review here.  

This was updated on 07/04/2021


Table 1: This is an overview of the measures we have taken that forms our policy for operating during COVID-19 and is available to all staff, clients and patients.

Table 2: Areas assessed for risk and mitigating action taken. This records in detail the areas of potential risks we have identified and record of the mitigating actions we have taken and when.

  • Table 2a – Protection for staff and patient before and when in clinic
  • Table 2b – Heightened hygiene measures

Table 3: For completion to outline our PPE policy for staff in our practice

Table 4: Detail of how we will communicate to staff and patients our policies

Table 5: After our Risk Assessment, you will find our ‘Client Intake Form’ which details how each day and visitor will be recorded by our Receptionist to assure we have up to date logs and tight practices

We have assessed our practice for risks outlined and put in additional processes as detailed below

We have assessed our practice for risks outlined and put in additional processes as detailed below


In this section, you should provide an overview of measures you have taken to adapt your practice for preparation for operating in the current COVID-19 situation. You may wish to publish this overview as your clinic policy, so patients are aware of the measures you have taken.
Undertaken a risk assessment ·       Risk assessment for offering limited treatments with Tim carried out 6/6/20 by Caz.

·       Risk assessment updated 07/04/2021 to prepare for opening of basement 1st and top floor (4 more treatment rooms, 2nd reception area, 2nd waiting area and 2nd entrance)

·       All staff confirmed with insurers that they are able to return to work with policy cover.

Heightened cleaning regimes ·       Both reception areas will be cleaned at the end of each shift.

·       Waiting areas will be cleaned at the end of each shift.

·       Treatment rooms will be cleaned between in each patient.

·       Removal of any unnecessary items in all areas to reduce items that need cleaning each day.

·       Any large items (shelves etc) that cannot be tidied away to be covered with a plastic sheet.

·       Plastic storage boxes and linen baskets introduced for clients and staff to pub belongings in, which are sanitised between each use.

·       Surfaces such as door handles, light switches, door frames, banisters, taps, door locks etc will all be cleaned after each person enters and exits the studio.

·       Paperwork kept stored away

Increased protection measures ·       Ground floor entrance to be kept locked and ground floor receptionist will be responsible for letting people into and out of the building.

·       Basement floor entrance to be kept locked and basement floor receptionist will be responsible for letting people into and out of the building.

·       Tape marks on floor in reception areas to ensure appropriate distance is kept between receptionist and client.

·       All bookings to be made in advance, either on the phone, online or rebooked directly after treatment.

·       Clients will maintain 2m distance in separate treatment rooms and waiting areas

·       All treatments pre-paid online or over the phone.

·       Staff PPE (gloves, face masks, visors, aprons and cleaning spray and cloths for each room)

Put in place distancing measures ·       Staggered treatment times to minimise the chance of multiple people being in reception or waiting areas at the same time.

·       Double up reception desk in ground floor reception area

·       Tape on the floor in basement reception areas as well as other areas that people are likely to meet (doorways, corridor)

·       Tape on the floor in treatment rooms to keep therapist and client apart when not treating

Staff training ·       Training guide on how to safely put on and remove PPE

·       Training guide on extra precautions to be taken when traveling to and from work.

·       Training guide on how to interact with staff and clients while in the studio.

·       Training guide on customer journey from booking to treatment. (checklist for each booking to ensure all points covered)

Providing remote/ telehealth consultations Detail here what telehealth/remote consultations you are offering e.g.

·       All patients will have completed pre-screening questionnaire.

·       New client consultation forms will be emailed

·       Therapists to check form contents 24 hours prior

·       Online consultations still available for those who would like advice rather than face to face treatment.





The following sections are a means to consider/describe the risks in your clinic and record the measures you have put in place to operate as safely as possible and mitigate risk of infection.  The sections here may not all be applicable or conversely, you may want to add further areas that you have assessed. The indicators in grey are suggestions and are not intended to be an exhaustive list.


Table 2a. Protection of staff and patients before they visit, and when in, the clinic.

We have assessed the following areas of risk in our practice and put in place the following precautions to

  When introduced Mitigating action When introduced
Pre-screening for risk before public/patients visit the clinic


16/6/20 ·       Pre-screening questionnaire completed on booking or a min of 48 hours before treatment.

·       Reconfirmation of questionnaire upon arrival at the studio to ensure nothing has changed since appointment booking.

Protecting members of staff 16/6/20 ·       Check list for staff to agree to before the start of each shift (same questions as the ones for patients)

·       PPE and correct training for use/disposal.

Confirmed cases of COVID 19 amongst staff or patients? 16/6/20 ·       Compile a list of people who attended the studio on the same day.

·       Contact all of them to inform them

·       Use the flow charts available for confirmed cases to determine the course of action regarding self isolating.

·       SPOC nominated for PHE as Caz Hibbs

Travel to and from the clinic


16/6/20 ·       Ask patients to not arrive earlier than 5 mins before appointment and warn them the door will be locked so we can control who comes in and out of the building.

·       Try to minimise staff use of public transport.

Entering and exiting the building Risk of encountering people or surfaces that other people have touched. ·       All staff to change into work clothing at the clinic and place work clothing in a separate cloth bag to take home for washing.

·       Fresh clean uniform to be worn daily.

·       Plastic lidded boxes provided for both staff and patient personal belongings

·       Patients not to arrive early or late for their appointment to avoid overcrowding.

·       Door locked so that we only let one person in at a time when clear to do so

·       Clear and specific routes to be marked with signs and tape, also reception staff can guide people into and out of the building.

·       Temperature check before allowing entry to patients.

·       All patients given hand sanitiser upon entering the building.

·       Separate Basement and ground floor entrances in use to minimise contact between clients.

·       Laminated sign on each entrance asking people to knock in a particular place so it can be wiped clean afterwards.


Reception and common areas Risk of encountering people or surfaces that other people have touched. ·       Reception staff will work from home where possible and will have appropriate training and PPE when working from home is not possible.

·       Markings on the floor to easily enable social distancing where possible.

·       Signage to encourage hand washing and clearly show the way to the bathrooms and exit to minimise interaction with staff.

·       3 ply Masks mandatory unless somebody is medically unable to wear one.

·       Staggered treatment times to minimise the chance of multiple people being in reception or waiting areas at the same time.


Social/physical distancing measures in place Risk of spread ·       Social distance guidance to staff

·       Minimal people in the building, 2m apart and not crossing paths

·       Markers on floors.

·       Ground floor entrance used for main reception and waiting area which will be used for treatments in rooms 5 and Penthouse

·       Basement entrance to be used for 2nd reception and waiting area which will be used for treatments in rooms 1 and 4.

·       Separate staff and client bathrooms

·       Staff encouraged to take breaks outside when possible. If this is not possible, they must remain in their treatment room with window open. Whatever area is used must be thoroughly sanitised after before resuming work.

·       Staff must maintain social distancing at all times, or where this is not possible, they must wear full PPE.

·       Only one therapist per room per day

Face to face consultations (in-clinic room) Risk of spread ·       Distance markers on treatment room floor to maintain distance when/where possible.

·       Appropriate PPE worn by therapist at all times.

·       One parent/guardian only with visits for children.

·       Patients to attend appointment alone unless a chaperone is required.

·       Chaperones also required to complete pre-screening questionnaire.




Table 2b Hygiene measures

We have assessed the following areas of risk in our practice and put in place the following heightened hygiene measures

  Description of risk Mitigating action When introduced
Increased sanitisation and cleaning   ·       Clinic rooms between each patient – couch, desk, door, door handles, equipment, chairs,

·       Reception surfaces, doors and door handles, chairs, bathroom surfaces, door locks, toilet seat, toilet flush, taps, light switches, banisters, high traffic walls,

·       Use of at least 60% alcohol sanitisers/wipes, using bleach-based detergents for floors

·       Keep doors open where possible to minimise the need to touch things.

·       Professional cleaners to attend twice a week for deep clean.

·       Single towel per client safely bundled and put in lidded laundry and washed at 60’

Aeration of rooms   ·       Leaving window open and door closed in treatment rooms for 5 minutes in between treatments.

·       Sparing use of fans and other air-circulation mechanisms, not pointing at the ‘breathing zone’ or sweeping

·       Reception windows open for 20 mins half way through the day.


Staff hand hygiene measures   ·       Bare below the elbow/hand washing before and after patients with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, including forearms

·       Use of hand sanitiser gel and/or use of gloves during treatment

·       Any belongings to be kept in plastic storage boxes provided, which are to be sanitised along with all other items in the studio at the end of the day.

·       Staff to bring own cutlery and crockery for use in break times and to ensure any food items are stored in their bags in the storage containers provided or in wipe clean Tupperware in the fridge.

·       All kitchen facilities and surfaces to be sanitised before and after use by staff.

·       Staff bring own pen

·       Staff use own phone rather than company tablets encouraged

·       Hand washing poster reminders in every bathroom

·       Staff to wash hands as part of the surface cleaning routine that is carried out after the arrival and departure of any clients and at the start and end of each shift.

Computer cleaning equipment and poster provided

Respiratory and cough hygiene   ·       Communication of cough hygiene measures for staff and patients with ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ posters and hand washing reminders.

·       Provision of disposable, single-use tissues waste bins (lined and foot-operated)

·       Hand hygiene facilities available for patients, visitors, and staff

Cleaning rota/regimes   ·       Time to change covers and clean treatment room between each patient.

·       Scheduled time for staff to clean treatment room, reception area, corridors, floors and bathrooms at the end of each shift



Table 3. Personal Protective Equipment: Detail here your policy for use and disposal of PPE
Clinicians will wear the following PPE ·       Mask

·       Visor

·       Apron

·       Optional gloves depending on type of treatment being applied

When will PPE be replaced ·       Non disposable items to be replaced every 4 hours

·       Disposable masks and gloves must be replaced between patients or once taken off/touched (once used and taken off it must not be put back on, even same day)

·       Reusable (cloth masks etc) must be put into a cloth bag and washed at 60 degrees between uses.

·       Visors cleaned and air dried between patients

Reception staff will wear the following PPE ·       Fluid resistant masks to be worn

·       Disposable gloves in use

Patients will be asked to wear the following PPE ·       Masks must be worn in communal areas, unless client is medically unable to do so.
PPE disposal ·       All cleaning cloths to be placed in the wash after use and put on a 60 degree wash cycle.

·       All uniform and cloth masks to be put in a cloth drawstring back and placed directly in the wash upon returning home from work.

·       Any disposable PPE must be placed in refuse sacks and left for 72 hours before being put out for collection.


Table 4. Communicating with patients: Detail here how you will advise patients of measures that we have taken to ensure their safety and the policies that have been put in place in our clinic
Publishing your updated clinic policy ·       Publish on social media

·       Print and make available in the studio

·       Provide as part of appointment confirmation emails

·       Available on website


Information on how you have adapted practice to mitigate risk ·       Updating of website and via your social media accounts

·       Email to your client base


Pre-appointment screening calls ·       Pre-screening questionnaire to be completed at least 48 hours before visit, either via Vagaro form or on the phone.

·       If questionnaire or payment has not been completed 48 hours beforehand, the appointment will be cancelled and the customer will need to contact us to reschedule.


Information for patients displayed in the clinic ·       Door notices advising of entry policy and asking anyone with symptoms not to enter the building.

·       Door notice to request anyone who knocks, does so on the laminated sign so we can keep it clean.

·       Notices on other public health measures e.g. hand washing/sanitising/Catch-it, bin it, kill it

·       PPE info poster for staff

Other patient communications Follow up email to ask them to please let us know if they develop symptoms within 7 days of their visit.



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