Lower Back Pain?

Massage Southampton | YOU Massage Therapy

Lower back pain is a major issue in society today affecting thousands of people everyday with no understanding of why they are getting pain in this area. Sometimes it may be a spinal problem or nerve problem but the majority of the time it will be due to a muscular problem. If you are experiencing any numbness or shooting pains, we suggest you consult a doctor, our expert team will be able to make referrals if needs be.

A lot of people have muscle bulk or body weight in the upper and mid part of the back leaving the lower part or lumbar area to come under tension and strain because it is struggling to keep the body upright. One of the major stabilisers of the back is the Quadratus Lumborum running either side of the vertebrae, when the lower back is under stress this muscle acts by keeping the back in a neutral position so no stress is put on the joints. As it is working non stop it is in a constant contraction causing it to become hypertonic causing a lot of back pain and without being treated can cause severe back pain and will result in a chronic condition.


Another set of muscles that can cause lower back pain are the hip flexors Psoas major and minor and the Iliacus muscle. When these muscles have become overworked through daily activities such as sitting, walking and during exercise they become tense and can shorten. As they are attached to the ilium (or pelvis) they will pull down on the ilium causing a tilt in the pelvis, drawing it forward and down. As a result the back of the pelvis rises up causing a curve in the lower back and this will further result in the muscles in this area such as the erector spinae and Quadratus Lumborum muscles to become tense. Over time if not treated this can cause a condition called lordosis where the lower spinal vertebrae have curved to accommodate the change to the muscles and more importantly the pelvis.


In the same way having tense and short calf muscles can cause a lot of pain to the front and bottom of the foot, changing the foot’s position. Again through daily activities the calves will become tense and cause the foot to plantar flex or cause people to point their toes like a ballerina. This can cause severe pain to the front of the foot as the muscles at the front of the lower leg and foot are being overstretched and are struggling to lift the toes back up. Also having tense calves and lower legs muscles such as the peroneals will cause the foot to pronate or cause an individual to have flat feet resulting in pain to the front and under the foot.


These issues can be helped and the pain can be eased by performing daily stretching routines and receiving regular massage treatment which will reduce tension in the muscles and will correct postural and joint issue that have become apparent naturally throughout life.


Thank you for reading.



Massage Therapist, YOU Massage Therapy Southampton

02380 6389 747


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