Assuring Quality at YOU!

commit to quality stampAt YOU Massage Therapy, you can be assured of high standards and exceptional quality every time you visit! There are many things we do to consistently improve the quality of your experience with us! This blog is written by Amy, Owner and Head Therapist of YOU Massage Therapy, Southampton, and gives you a little inside information on what happens behind the scenes to maintain exceptionally high standards and fresh ways of thinking when it comes to Massage Therapy…

“Hi there! I’m Amy, I have been a Massage Therapist for nearly 10 years. I believe that a quality massage experience comes when your treatment is tailored uniquely for you, you are offered tailored advice and therapy, you achieve the result you desired when you booked the session and you find the environment comforting and relaxing. It’s also important that you get a fair price and you can actually book the session when you are free!

“Read on for information on how we maintain these standards, what motivates us and how you can be sure we are committed to Quality, committed to You!

“In order to achieve these standards, we work hard at gathering feedback from our clients and Therapists, sharing knowledge and constantly improving in these areas.

Therapists’ Qualification and Experience

new team shot

“The YOU Massage Therapists and I are all qualified in a wide variety of Holistic and Remedial Massage techniques; so we can balance the treatments for your needs, unique every time you visit. Before a Therapist commences a contract of service with YOU Massage Therapy, we assure ourselves that they are passionate about Massage Therapy, competent at Remedial Massage and have a warm and welcoming persona! They then undergo a series of training and trial sessions with other Therapists and clients. We can determine their approach and strengths and use this to advise our clients on the best Therapist for your needs. We also determine areas where they can develop, the direction they would like to grow in and we can devise development sessions where they and their peers can share and swap knowledge! So everyone has had exposure to all of the wonderful treatments we offer and can recommend what’s best for you, even if this means seeing someone else! Just one of the easy you can be assured you’re getting the best treatment possible!

“We also invite other professionals such as Osteopaths, Herbalists, Physiotherapists and Advanced Massage Tutors to visit us and talk about their approach and sometimes therapists partake in training sessions with other professionals, this means they are well aware of the best professional to treat you, depending on your particular problem! Throughout the year, the Therapists attend 1 – 2 day workshops on aspects of advanced Massage Therapy to improve their skills! This means that when you visit one of the YOU Massage Therapists, you can be assured they are experienced, well versed in the treatment they are providing, fully qualified, insured and competent having been have been vetted by peers and existing clients, and senior professionals and they will only provide treatments for you once the quality has been determined as excellent!


Massage Room Southampton large
Our Cosy Studio

“We work hard to maintain a clean and comfortable setting for your Massage Therapy! YOU Massage Therapy derived from a single room at the back of a Pilates Studio! We have had refurbishment projects every few months to make the most from our little space and have spent every penny possible on buying the latest equipment and organic produce to make your experience so special!

We also strive to be available at the times when you need us most. Our Therapists are self employed and therefore flexible as to when they work. We are open 7 days every week and until 9.30pm every evening! We can also do early morning appointments on special requests, and have just opened a new treatment room with 2 couches so you can enjoy a shared experience together in the same room as a loved one! We’re constantly growing and striving to improve your experience…why not let us know what you think!!!…



“Nothing makes us more motivated to provide a quality service than giving an excellent experience to a client who needed our help. Everyone needs massage for different reasons, and hearing your feedback gives us the important knowledge we need to continue providing excellent treatments to all of our 2,500 plus clients!

“We have feedback cards in-house, which our clients are encouraged to fill out after their treatment. If you complete a feedback card, we offer a free gift, and then we put some of them up on our website to let people know genuine, honest feedback as they browse our treatments! We also let the Therapists know what their clients have said so they can feel positive about the treatments they give. We would be sure to inform them of any negative feedback as well and address any problems immediately; although I can honestly tell you, we have NEVER got any negative feedback! And that I feel proud to boast about!

“We also check in regularly with our online reviews! People give such amazing feedback on Google and Facebook, it gives us a warm feeling of absolute pleasure and gratitude to those who have taken the time to let others know how great the service we offer is!

During May, we  are going to be drawing 2 WINNERS from all of our review writers to win 2 x FREE 60 MINUTE MASSAGES! So if you haven’t done so already, please leave us  a review online, help others to find the best service in town and keep your fingers crossed and you could just win a free treatment in June! Click here for more info…

Referrals and Rebooks

“Therapists are expected to have at least 50% of their clients become a ‘rebooker’, or, returning client. In reality, around 85% of our clients rebook their next appointment within 7 days! This is because of our great service and discounts. This is a great indication that we are providing clients with an excellent treatment!

“So many clients are referred to us nowadays by people who try us out and then recommend a loved one does the same! 27 people were referred to us in the last quarter! This shows how many people would recommend a friend try us out!

Mystery Shoppers

“YOU Massage Therapy regularly recruit YMT Mystery Shoppers out of our regular clients! These mystery clients pop in for a top quality treatment and pay a reduced price just because they fill out a feedback form for us afterwards!

“The kind of feedback we gather is to do with the entire experience…was the Receptionist friendly? Were you offered water? Did they explain to you how the treatment would progress? Was the room warm enough and was the music and lighting soft enough? Was the pressure of your massage ok? Do you feel they paid attention to your problem areas? Did they give you stretches and advice to protect the area post treatment? …And so on!

We are recruiting in May for YMT Mystery Shoppers! Typically, your treatment will cost just £29! All Massages and times of day are available! Interested? Contact Charley at and she’ll get you registered and booked in!

“I’m sure you can appreciate that we are a dedicated bunch, passionate about giving you the best treatment available! We will never stop striving to improve, always tweaking protocol and asking each other and other professionals for guidance, referring clients on when needed or back to the doctor, yet using our vast collective experience and capabilities to help you with so many problems. To make you feel that even if just for 1 hour, that it’s all about You, our priority.”

Visit us in May to claim your FREE Indian Head Massage when you book for a 1 hour Holistic Back Massage! Exceptional Quality AND Value! That’s YOU. 02380 639 747 to book.