
feetReflexology is a therapeutic massage that uses certain points on the feet to treat the body as a whole. It is a non-invasive treatment usually focusing on the feet and lower legs, but can also be performed on the hands. It is a very gentle and relaxing treatment, using light compression to stimulate circulation and encourage healing throughout the body.

Every part of the body has a corresponding reflex point somewhere on the foot or ankle. The foot is also divided into 5 zones, which run through the length of the foot.  We use the reflex points to pi

reflex blog

ck up on any imbalances and blockages in the energy pathways that run throughout our bodies. These blockages and imbalances present in different ways,
sometimes the area will feel tender, puffy or gritty. Sometimes we may find something in an area, which highlights a blockage in that zone, rather than that particular reflex. The therapist will vary the techniques and pressure used to break down any gritty or hardened area, or to soothe and drain inflammation or reduce fluid build up.


The reflexes on the foot are mapped out as if the 2 feet make up the whole body, with the right side of the body shown on the right foot, the spine running down the inside of both feet and the left side of the body on the left foot. There are several different styles of reflexology, so occasionally therapists may differ slightly on which area of the foot they work for a particular reflex. However, most of the major ones such as the spine, head, stomach and lungs are the same, regardless of where the therapist trained. This is just one of the many versions available, be aware that it may not be the same as ones you have previously seen or are used to.

















The diagram above does not show every reflex, it shows the sole of the foot which is where the majority of them are. There are also reflex points around the side and top of the feet, which extend over the ankle and up into the lower part of the leg. However, it gives you an idea of the main points

reflex happy feet

that are worked during a treatment. One important area that is not included in this picture is the spine, which runs from the neck (the lower

part of the big toe) all the way down the inside of both feet, ending at the heel, which is linked to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve continues round to the heel, where it connects to the lumbar spine, then finishes in the lower leg. Usually the therapist start with soothing strokes to relax the feet and ankles, once t

lion massage o 598566his is done they will go over every
point at least once so that every bit is included, then revisit any areas that need a bit more attention. The treatment will be

concluded by some more soothing strokes to gently wake you up (many people find it so relaxing that they doze off, but don’t worry, your therapist will not be offended if you do!). 

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