So, What Do GPs Think Of Massage?

gpA little while ago we were given the great pleasure of being involved with a workshop being run at the University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust… They had a day of training with local GPs, where their aim was to introduce them to a series of complementary therapies and see what they thought.


In addition to a number of other complementary therapies (such as colonic irrigation!) being done elsewhere around town, we had the pleasure of seeing eight GPs for Energy Healing, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Pregnancy Massage, Accupressure, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Stones, and Indian Head Massages.


After coming to see us first thing in the morning, the GPs went on to the University Hospital to a day of workshopping, sharing, discussing, and learning about everything they’d done.


Some of the feedback GPs found from this experience was as follows:

–          The therapies made them feel more open minded about complementary therapies, and better able to ‘connect’ with patients interested in exploring complementary therapies as an option

–          They felt that they better understood what was involved with complementary therapies , and when they might be a useful option

–          They felt they were better able to respect patients interested in complementary therapies, particularly in situations where they felt that conventional medicine was ‘falling short’ of what was needed

–          They felt empowered to give more options to pregnant patients


In addition to all of this, they said that they found the experience opened their minds – a number of the GPs felt that they would never have tried the complementary therapy they were assigned in normal circumstances.  A number of the GPs intended to further research which complementary therapies are funded on the NHS, and how to find reputable practitioners.

The NHS are looking further into alternative therapies as not to just supply drugs to relieve pain or symptoms.


In fact, one GP even bought their spouse a massage!


There is a lot of research being done into complementary therapies – particularly massage – within conventional scientific communities. Certain types of massage (Lymph Drainage, Sports, Remedial…) are proving beneficial quantitatively as well as the qualitatively already observed.  A number of GPs near us now carry our cards, and refer patients to us for Remedial Massage Treatment.


Watch this space – in a few more years, there’ll be even more evidence to support massage!


Why not come and try for yourself and see the benefits of massage can do for you!