Sports Therapy at You Massage Southamptpn

A group Sports Therapy class in Southampton
A group Sports Therapy class in Southampton
A group Sports Therapy class in Southampton is tailored for you

Join a Sports Therapy Class or personal training session at You Massage

Whether you are recovering from injury, have been away from exercise or you have been experiencing back pain for a prolonged period; you may get a significant benefit from doing some exercises to strengthen and stretch your body, the current advised guidelines recommend:

“ACSM’s overall recommendation is for most adults to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Source >

Why should you exercise?

Doing exercise helps the metabolism speed up and boosts weight loss, which can reduce strain on the joints therefore meaning you could experience less joint pain….

With the reduced stress on joints the risk of early onset osteoarthritis could also be minimised; there will always be the natural degeneration of bones and joints but the more we can do to help stave it off the better they will be. Other benefits of doing exercise include increasing circulation to the muscles, bones, and organs of the body; assists to prevent chronic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise can also help to improve posture and doing it regularly can generally make us feel happier as it helps to reduce stress.

But, the most important reasons for doing exercise is to take time out of the day to day so you can focus on yourself for a bit while getting fitter, stronger, and generally being healthier.


So how can we help you help yourself?

As experienced Sports Therapists, we are fully aware that some people don’t particularly like going to gyms for a variety of reasons, so we have designed a Rehabilitation class where you can learn several exercises that can be tailored to your individual ability and need. Ultimately the best bit is that you will be able to do most of the exercises in the privacy of your own home when you want to, but if you want to do them at a gym you can.

Book online today and save 25% subject to availability!

The class will consist of a warm up, followed by a circuit of 10 exercises where you will do 3 minutes per exercise and finally ending with a cool down and stretching period. The exercises in the circuit are designed to work the whole body, don’t worry we want you to go at your own pace, (we don’t want you doing a mischief to yourself, we wnt you to get better, stronger and fitter), the best part is you are not tied in to a contract or set amount of sessions, you may decide that you only want to come once to learn the exercises and drop back a few months down the line as a refresher. Or you might want us to help you achieve a particular goal but either is fine as we want you to get the most out of the sessions.

Save 25% on a 6 week program when you enroll for January 23rd 2018

this way, you can be assured you will be well on your way to a fighting fit body by the end of February!

25% off on individual training sessions also available for a limited time 

Book Sports Therapy online now >

The rehabilitation class can be booked as a one to one session or you can join the class where there will be no more than 5 people in total. When joining the group sessions, you may develop a few friendships which is great motivation and you can share the path to a stronger, fitter future together.

If you have any further questions, please Contact us (email) or Phone us (02380 639747)

We are always happy to help you, it’s what we do.

Excited to see you soon and help you hit your goals this year!


Written By Emma Coleman of Phoenix Mobile Sports Therapies

Edited and published by YOU Massage Therapy Southampton

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